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  • Kiran's Pantry

Classic Shortbread Cookies

Updated: Jan 27

Shortbread cookies are not just for the holidays! These wonderful homemade easy to make cookies are delicious and made with just three ingredients. Shortbread cookies are a perfect little treat, they are buttery, with a crisp texture that just melts in your mouth.


1 cup salted butter, softened (2 sticks)

2 cups all purpose flour

3/4 cup icing sugar


1. Bring out the butter and keep on the counter top to come to room temperature for 30 minutes.

2. Whisk the softened butter with the sugar until light and fluffy and pale in color about 3 minutes.

3. Add the flour, in two additions. Mix well, untill all is well incorporated and forms a crumbly mixture. On a work surface bring together the mixture into a ball with your hands.

4. Form a disk with the dough, place it in a bowl and wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

5. Roughly press down into a rectangle shape on a parchment paper, then transfer into a 9 x 13" pan. Press into the pan about 1/2 inch thick and lightly roll the dough using a small rolling pin for a smooth surface. Don’t press down too hard.

6. Lightly cut with a sharp knife into a rectangle shape the dough about 1x3 inches bars. Prick holes with a fork carefully into the rectangles. This helps with even cooking.

7. Bake for 20 minutes at 350° until the edges are a very light golden color and the surface is still pale gold In color.

8. Remove from the oven. While it’s still hot and lightly cut into bar markings again.

9. Return to the oven for 10 more minutes or until the surface is light golden. Turn the oven off, crack it open leaving the door ajar, cool for at least 1 hour in the oven.

10. Remove from the oven, and cool fully on a rack.

Serve with coffee or tea!


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Kiran's Pantry
Dec 29, 2020

Thank you I’m so happy your family enjoyed these cookies and you are on your second batch, have fun trying other recipes on my blog too. Thanks for writing to me. Happy baking! 🙂


Dec 29, 2020

Great recipe Kiran, my kids enjoyed every bit of the shortbread. I’m about to bake my second batch already! Your recipes are easy to follow and very tasty!

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